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Top Tips for Effective Back Care Management at Home, Work and While Driving

August 30, 2023

Top Tips for Effective Back Care Management at Home, Work and While Driving

Staying still or maintaining your posture for long periods is potentially harmful – most of us are far too sedentary, sitting for about 80% of our waking lives. To prevent static muscle loading, joint stiffness and fatigue, movement is vital. Here are some basic tips on how to maintain a healthy back.

Looking After Your Back at Home

• Don’t tuck your legs up beneath you when you sit– this can place your spine in a side flexed, twisted position.

• Be aware that recliner chairs can sometimes increase lower back pain if you sit with your legs out straight for long periods.

• Move! Build small and regular movements into your home life - simple stretching exercises can be truly beneficial.

Looking After Your Back at Work

• Take a critical look at your workstation – when did you last check it was suitable for you?

• Is your keyboard close to you?

• Is your chair correctly adjusted in height and providing your back with support?

• Again, don’t sit still all day, stretch, exercise and move as much as you can.


Looking After Your Back While Driving

• Adjust your seat and mirrors to ensure you are not slouching when driving.

• When planning your journey, build in time to allow for regular breaks.

• Use the adjustability your car gives you – is the seat height right for you? Adjust the seat back to suit, can you adjust your steering column to reduce reaching?

• Remember, cars are designed for people of different shape and size, you need to get it right for you.

Suffering From Lower Back Pain?

If you are suffering from lower back pain, remain as mobile as you possibly can. Usually, consulting a medical professional early can get you back to normal quicker and can prevent longer term problems from developing.

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